Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Extraverted thinking is an extraverted and judging function, which helps us to organise our external environment based on logic and efficiency. For Te users, when working on a project, it is more important to be done than to find the best possible solution. Te users have a strong desire to keep things running smoothly and efficiently, and easily see efficient courses of action. Te users are generally good at organising a group and delegating tasks to ensure that everything is completed on time.

People with Te as their dominant function (ENTJs/ESTJs) will generally be very organised. People with high Te are also generally fair and unbiased, as they try not to let their feelings get in the way of making decisions. They also tend to enjoy planning, and tend to organise and arrange their days so that they run smoothly and efficiently.

For Te users, their thought process is focused on the external world, rather than the internal world (as it is with Ti users). Therefore, they will try to arrange the real world to suit their needs. People with high Te are driven to reach their goals and objectives.

Author's note: My personal experience as a Te user is that I like things to have a clear and logical structure, and get annoyed when things aren't working efficiently or when people are wasting their time. I'm generally good at time management, and I make plans that span far into the future. However, I can also be impatient when things aren't running smoothly, or when people take a long time to make a decision - I just want to get to work. I also have a reputation for being bossy, and would always be that one kid who yells at procrastinators in group projects. But Te users aren't all cold or bossy, we just tend to be very goal-driven.